The MDS Team



Dave was so impressed with it during an introductory dive that he knew straight away that this was what I enjoyed. So why not turn your hobby into a career?! The decision was made and he completed his entire training, including becoming a diving instructor at the H2o diving center in Germany and gaining experience there. Because his goal was clear: one day to leave Germany and work and live in the sunny south. So he swapped his “old” life for a new one in the south, according to the motto… “Don’t dream your life, live your dream”
  • German
  • English


Caro is Dave's wife, and since he was so fascinated by diving, Caro wanted to try it out too. She did an introductory dive and was fascinated by the new experience. She completed her entire training up to Master Diver in Germany. Since she loves the sea, she always knew that one day she would live and work there. When she arrived in Mallorca, she continued her training to become a divemaster. As far as it is possible for them, you also like to meet them underwater. As the base's fairy godmother, she is responsible for organizing the diving school.
  • German
  • English


Frank was bitten by the diving bug many years ago and it never left him. He learned all other diving qualifications in Germany at the Dekostop diving club. Deep diving has now become his secret passion and he takes our customers into his world as often as he can. Every season for years he has been looking forward to finally being able to get on the plane to Mallorca again and, as a diving instructor at MDS, to be able to pass on his enthusiasm for a great sport to others.
  • German


Dana is also part of the MDS family and loves snorkeling and diving. She enjoys the underwater world and spends every free minute there. She is Caro's right-hand woman in the office and enjoys taking care of day-to-day business. Her language talent is always a great help to us and she clearly enjoys conversing in different languages.
  • German
  • English
  • Spanish
  • French


Javier, our captain of the PocoLoco and another member of the MDS family. In recent years he has sailed through Greece, Italy, the Canary Islands and around the Balearic Islands. His office is in the Mediterranean, so it's no surprise that he enjoys his work every day when he goes out to sea to our diving spots with MDS customers. His passion is the sea!
  • Spanish
  • English


Johnny our dive guide and biologist, he joined MDS this season. He had already completed training as a professional diver, but then dedicated himself to recreational diving. So why not become a dive guide too. The decision was clear and he successfully completed the entire training via SSI International. He is fun for everyone and likes to pass on his knowledge about the animals and plants that live in the sea.
  • German
  • English