Dive site Es Forti

This mega diving spot right at the harbor entrance of Cala D'Or below the historic fort that gives it its name has it all:

  • Blue Hole
  • One-Way-Dive
  • 22 Meter

The “Blue Hole” begins at a depth of 13 meters in the shape of an upside-down “L”. Here you go down a wide chimney and out again after about 5 meters. The exit with its backlight bathed in blue provides the name and is an absolute visual highlight.

When we arrive at the bottom, we are greeted by a rugged rocky landscape at a maximum depth of 22 meters. All kinds of sea creatures are hiding in the crevices and holes in the rocks, including scorpionfish and moray eels.

It is important to pay attention to air consumption throughout the entire dive.

We always do this dive in one direction Completed: One Way to Sa Galera.

An exciting dive for experienced divers.

Es Forti
Blue HoleTripefishBlue Hole